can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

Nodame Cantabile

I've already blogged about Nodame Cantabile a lot at my other blog but when I think about a 'female idol', for me it has to be this character. Nodame (played by Juri Ueno) is someone who is so lively as well as honest (about her own feelings), it's something I can only aspire to. In the face of all the setbacks and discouragements, Nodame never gives up on Chiaki and on her dreams.

Of course, a show is nothing if not also good eye candy and on this front Nodame Cantabile certainly delivers. Not only do I love Nodame's cute dresses and perfect coats, her classmates are equally adorable: think of Ryo in his spangly waistcoats, Nodame's friend who always wears shorts, or the clarinet player in RS-Oke with his rolled-up pants and neat sweaters.

This show always gives me a lot of hope and determination to keep going whenever things get tough in life. Maybe that's a lot to read from a little comedy series, but I'm very glad for the message all the same. I'll always be thankful to my friend Panida for introducing Nodame Cantabile to me!

All pictures from memento.

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