can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

DBSK 24/7

It's been one year since the start of DBSKnights and I would like to wish them a Happy Birthday! The start of my fandom coincides with a few months after the start of their blog- I remember when the bg was of Mirotic promo pics and the pages were full of update after update of pictures and pictures of the boys coming in and out of the airport. I owe so much of my fandom to DBSKnights.

I'd like to quote Portia's words:
In the same way, the sun never sets on Cassiopeia. We the fans of DBSK have created a nation that reaches across oceans, across languages, and brings the world together for one love. I never cease to be impressed by the creativity, the artistry, the passion and ethos of this fandom.

I think herein lies the power of a humble blog like DBSKnights that has grown in one year from a dedicated solo fanblog to an international 31-member team, solely for the purpose of sharing their love of Dong Bang Shin Ki. And I wish I could quote their whole anniversary video, but you'll just have to click the link and see for yourself. Here are my words to DBSKnights on their first birthday:

my fandom started just one year ago as well ^^ and thanks to your blog which was updated like every second, i had a lot of DBSK sleepless nights too :P your sharing helped make me a really big DBSK fan :)

Thank you so much! Happy birthday and I hope there will be many more!

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