can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper


I've been listening to a lot of Kangta & Vanness' album Scandal lately. Well I say 'alot' but it's actually a really short album! Haha. Kangta & Vanness are the first Kpop act I got into so I'm quite fond of them. I really like the album because it has a very summery feel to it. Also, Kangta & Vanness are such an unlikely duo it's fun to think about why they work so well together.

To me, Kangta has such an elegant appeal. Even in the outlandish H.O.T. outfits he was graceful- his presence is quiet but strong. Maybe it has something to do with his unbelievably feminine appearance.

However as weird as he may have looked at various parts of his long pop career (which basically requires strange style at some point or the other) next to Vanness, Kangta looks like the normal guy.

Although it would seem Vanness' body-conscious style started to rub off! Hahaha. (Ok, I know Kangta also has had some crazy oily moments in his solo careeer but this is still funny.)

Vanness on his own produces such hilarious pictures though, I've never seen another pop star with so many lol-worthy photos. Sometimes it's more refreshing than the *shexxy* type photos (anyway Vanness' *shexxy* photos are soooo bad, just stick to the funny ones!).

Vanness ftw! On a more serious note, Kangta has such a wonderful voice and I think Vanness is the perfect counterpoint with his less polished and relaxed sound. This short album (like an EP, really) has great songs on it that can stand on their own. I hope when Kangta gets back from the army they'll work together again!

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