can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

Pajeon Prince

My interest in a particular food or dish is often piqued by a scene in a drama or variety show, such as the croquembouche in Antique, Yoonji's obsession with bakes sweet potatoes in We Got Married or any cooking scene in Invincible Youth.
So it is that in my brain, the Korean chive pancake, pajeon, is irreversibly linked to the scene in The First Shop of Coffee Prince where they are having Eunchan's father's memorial dinner and Eunsae is making these terrible pancakes.

Of course her admirer MinYub says oh, she's so great at cooking, and it's so delicious, etc. He's so funny! Eunsae the whole time has her usual devil-may-care attitude and dumps the broken pancakes on a plate. Meanwhile Soon-ki watches the cooking with a kind of disgusted look and finally pushes Eunsae aside to show us all how it's done.

The rest of this scene is funny too, but I always get stuck focused on Soonki's pancake-making technique. First he puts some batter in the pan, then he spreads the chives on top and adds more batter. Most recipes call for 'Korean chives', but since I'm not sure what they are exactly I use garlic chives, while spring onion is also an option. Enjoy!

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