can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

Onew Style

I've been bitten by the id'ing bug too- trying to identify what idols are wearing onstage and off. Lately I've been lucky and accidentally id'd three of SHINee's Onew's clothes! Awesome!!

Lol, my collage makes it look like the male model has lady's legs...

On the 9th of this month Onew wore dip-dye acid wash jeans by Cheap Monday. I recognized them because they are so unique. He also wore a denim jacket by Religion, and a t-shirt from Bape's Baby Milo range.

Then on the 13th Onew wore a pair of lace-up jeans by Cheap Monday. Again, I remembered this pair since they are so... unique, haha. It wouldn't surprise me if the rest of SHINee are wearing more standard jeans from Cheap Monday too, since they are soooo tight. Since SHINee often share the same clothes for different events, I've seen Key wearing this model as well.

Outfit id'ing is such a time-consuming hobby, but when you get the id, it's fun!

all pics from the linked websites and via Shining Shinee World.

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