can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

Ordinary Miracles

It's already been a while since I've watched the j-drama Arifureta Kiseki but it still has a deep impression on me. Although I haven't seen many dramas at all, I can tell this one is unique. The story of Shota and Kana trying to build their life is portrayed in a sensitive, realistic way. Their families' individual struggles, each as meaningful as the other, are also shown.

Now that the weather is turning cold and the days shorter, I can't help but think of the Celtic legend that Shota told: under the sea there is a world where you can see people's feelings by their aura- sad colors, happy colors, lonely colors. That way, you could never think that you are the only one who is lonely.

I'm not articulate enough, so I love to read what other people think about the drama. Here are some links (warning: some spoilers):

Arifureta Kiseki eps 1+2
My favorite drama for winter 2009...
One of my favorite dramas from last season
Impressions of Arifurata Kiseki

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