can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

Give More Love

Give Love is a notoriously bad film that mysteriously became a huge hit in China. I saw it on the plane last summer and was so underwhelmed by it. However, I was on the plane with nothing better to do, so I didn't feel too bad about it. Besides this what I want to talk about now is the main character Yutong's awesome apartment, which is so not Hong Kong. But it's beautiful.

Unfortunately these screencaps make the flat look blue when actually it's a very nice, clean green. Still. Nice plant.

This looks like a fun romantic comedy right? It's not! But cool restaurant.

This looks like it could be a hot, stylish movie right? It's not! Sweet room partitions.

Looks like there could be some chemistry here. There isn't! I like Yutong's polo though, it's pretty much the only elegant garment in this film.

I really like this old-school green paint job with brown trim and a white high ceiling.

Quant open kitchen and two-person table, I imagine it has one of those waxed tablecloths on it. Great chairs, too. Where did you find those chairs, Yutong?

See his bedroom is partitioned off with these cool folding doors. The rattan bed adds to the tropical feel. I think in this scene, he had just peed into that vase?

Yutong's face pretty much resembles how most people feel about this movie. Great office corner though! The set-up is pretty nice for if your office is actually in your open-plan flat.

Awww. The movie does not instill this kind of calm into you.

Is this even in the film?!! And... scene.

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