can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

I Was Wrong

I was totally wrong. Although I like 2AM I just stopped paying attention after that weird video with the snow and the wings or something like that I can't really remember. But this video is GOLD!

I haven't enjoyed an mv so much in a while. Jokwon is totally not plausible as a dj and they are also not plausible as high school students but that girl is an honest-to-goodness girl-next-door type babe and this video is all-round jjang. That maknae has a face like a goddess but I can't remember his name right now? lol the little ponytail is pretty great though.

While I am on the subject of 2AM enjoy these pictures:

How much am I looking forward to the 2AM + 8eight subgroup HOMME? (Hey that makes 10!) A LOT. like 10 out of 10 a lot. Two bona fide heart-rending ballad singers that are also FIT. NICE. Here's an acapella by 8eight to remind us how straight up talented they are.

Did my dad put something weird in my tea tonight? haha

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