can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

♥ Ayaka

After seeing this DBSK fanvid featuring one of Junsu's favorite songs Everyone's under the sky, I was reminded of Ayaka's love story.

Ayaka Iida revealed her marriage to actor Hiro Mizushima in early 2009. What surprised me the most about this news, although I'm not very familiar with either artist, was that two young and highly successful artists would marry so early in their career, when they are popular and vulnerable as idols. It really gave me hope that the two of them are so brave and so certain. I love the story.

Here are some interesting blog posts with more details of their happy marriage:
Unleash the geek
Dorama World
Japan Zone

It's too bad that Ayaka has had to take a break from singing due to her health. Her music and her image are wonderful. I first saw her video for the song Yume wo Miketa ni in Beijing and I loved her shoes :) and her hair and everything. So much happiness !

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