can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper


While we're still talking about hair, let me express my deep admiration for Hero Jaejoong's shiny shiny hair during this past The Secret Code tour. For the longest time now he's just sported variations on the same style in different colors and lengths but I never thought such an interesting version could be made.

Besides having a very gentle color it's also kind of rounder and cuter, and of course the long fringe is a clever flirtateous aspect. The way JJ's hair moves is one of the highlights of this tour, lol! You can check it out during the funny 9095 routine.

By the way, I read about JJ and Yoochun supposedly crying during Bolero in Nagoya and this fanaccount interested me very much (from a comment by 35loveU at SharingYoochun):

i went to the concert on 21 in nagoya

jeajoong cried while he was talking about his own song WASURENAIDE

he talked to us how he felt when he was writing songs.

he said ” when you write us fan letters, i write songs for you , when you listen our songs, we sing for you. that’s only we can do for you.
you always give us lots of love, but i wonder if we can meet the expectations enough for you or not.
we work not only here also we work other countries. we might change something after this.
but i hope you to keep loving us .”

i’m so sorry , my english is so poor.
i can’t tell well…..

yoochun was crying when they sang Kiss the baby sky – that’ s his own song.

Here's the perf in question

I'm going to go out on a dangerous speculative limb here and guess that after this- after having broken records in Japan and making their Japan dream of performing at Tokyo Dome- they'll start concentrating their activities in another place, and try to break into a new market. It'll be interesting to see where- China is the biggest Asian market I can think of but I don't feel like DBSK really fit into the Chinese scene. Yet, breaking into the West like Wondergirls or Boa doesn't sound likely either.

In any case, without a doubt DBSK's fans will support them wherever they go. I'm really glad of this fanaccount because it shows once again Jaejoong as the heart of Dong Bang Shin Ki.

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