can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

Lost Without You

Darren Hayes is so amazing - as a kid one of the first pop songs I knew growing up in the middle of nowhere was 'Truly Madly Deeply' as sung by my sister... and consequently the very first album I bought by myself was Savage Garden's self-titled debut. I can't really listen to it anymore on account of knowing each second of that album too well and it takes me back to ten years ago every time.

I've thought a lot about why I considered to stubbornly like Darren's music even when it was naff to like them during high school, even if I often considered the lyrics too forward or banal, unpoetic even. If it's anything, it's got to be in Darren's expression - his earnest singing style, the high falsettos, the phrasing, the intimacy and also his lyrics - which are extremely personal and heartfelt every time. I guess his emotional expression style is on the same level as me, it just makes complete sense to me. And even ten years on, all Darren's music resonates with me.

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Nunas Know Best

This blog Nuna Knows Best is absolutely hilarz and basically the blog I wish I was writing- not afraid to criticize Kpop's biggest acts when they're being lame, cooing over rookie boybands with scores of members, and generally telling it like it is. I'm too tied down by loyalty (DBSK I'm looking at you) and propriety (I'm starting to be at least five years older than most rookie idols) to kid around easily. I guess Nuna really does know best! Bless.

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