exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :)
hope to the end
Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper
From Brown Eyed Girl's Son Ga-in's legendary legs...
To After School's goddess Park Gahee...
To 4minute's ultrachic 'Gangnam Girl' Seo Gayoon...
Three amazing girls with the X-factor body and bold personalities. These are seriously some of the sexiest individuals in Kpop.Labels: 4minute, girls
Lavender Memories
Last week I watched a handful of Cantonese romantic (comedy) movies: Lavender, Every Dog has its Date, Bakery Amour, Undercover Love, Undercover Love 2 and Drink Drank Drunk. All of them were enjoyable if you like that kind of genre, which, clearly, I do.
But actually what I want to say is, in light of recent developments in my RL, I've been thinking about how I've been overly using internet and fandom and pop culture as a form of escape. Of course, it's made for entertainment and for escapism, but if I use it as active procrastination- not even from working per se but from THINKING, anyway, it's not fair for me and for the entertainers right? When I think back about the past ten months I can remember the different shows I watched, the different pop topics that I followed, and the times I cried and laughed with the movies and the shows and the idols. But somewhere I just started using these things to avoid my RL issues, luxury issues as they may be. And because of this I think I both enjoy the entertainment less and I make the problems worse. Do I want my life back? It was boring to begin with. In fandom, I really do care for the idols and the ideals, but I need to care for myself first.
I'll still be here, but I'll try to be less serious ;)Labels: dramas, fandom
Teen Beat
Can't believe I'm actually writing a post about Zac & Vanessa but they are the only teen celeb couple I'm aware of because a) They're the MVP couple of billionaire teen celebs and b) they're both awesome. TOO CUTE.
source: this pic is on the first page if you google image search them.Labels: girls
From Brown Eyed Girl's Son Ga-in's legendary legs...
To After School's goddess Park Gahee...
To 4minute's ultrachic 'Gangnam Girl' Seo Gayoon...
Three amazing girls with the X-factor body and bold personalities. These are seriously some of the sexiest individuals in Kpop.Labels: 4minute, girls
Lavender Memories
Last week I watched a handful of Cantonese romantic (comedy) movies: Lavender, Every Dog has its Date, Bakery Amour, Undercover Love, Undercover Love 2 and Drink Drank Drunk. All of them were enjoyable if you like that kind of genre, which, clearly, I do.
But actually what I want to say is, in light of recent developments in my RL, I've been thinking about how I've been overly using internet and fandom and pop culture as a form of escape. Of course, it's made for entertainment and for escapism, but if I use it as active procrastination- not even from working per se but from THINKING, anyway, it's not fair for me and for the entertainers right? When I think back about the past ten months I can remember the different shows I watched, the different pop topics that I followed, and the times I cried and laughed with the movies and the shows and the idols. But somewhere I just started using these things to avoid my RL issues, luxury issues as they may be. And because of this I think I both enjoy the entertainment less and I make the problems worse. Do I want my life back? It was boring to begin with. In fandom, I really do care for the idols and the ideals, but I need to care for myself first.
I'll still be here, but I'll try to be less serious ;)Labels: dramas, fandom
Teen Beat
Can't believe I'm actually writing a post about Zac & Vanessa but they are the only teen celeb couple I'm aware of because a) They're the MVP couple of billionaire teen celebs and b) they're both awesome. TOO CUTE.
source: this pic is on the first page if you google image search them.Labels: girls
By post:
boys over flowers
Cornflower blue
Shinee new u
88-line to infinity
What amazing piece of Kpop mastery has compelle...
If you take one step forward
and i hate you so
Hong Kong with Ribbontie
Hong Kong with Miamasvin
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Cross Road
Adopted Trees.