can't help but feeling

exploring fandom and doing my spazzing exercises :) hope to the end

Fashion Follows Yoochun
Chaos Under Control
You Captured Me
Pretty Boy Power
Red Playground
Sapphire Pearls
One Pine Tree
Tokyo Bopper

Fantasy Forever

One of the first Asian pop culture phenomenons I got into was F4's Meteor Garden, although we had the unfortune of watching Meteor Garden II instead of the original season. The show was so bad and funny because we couldn't understand a word of it but we still watched the extent of its super long episodes.

Actually, I named this blog after the Harlem Yu theme song from MGI: Qing Fei de Yi (Can't help but feeling). Watching MGI is on my list of things to do before I die!

Since then F4 continue to be rather funny to me and this cd/vcd cover (which I have) is no exception. Their outfits are unbelievable! What is the 'vibe' they are trying to capture here? Monks washed up on a beach? Their shoes are untied, Vanness and Jerry are wearing the same pants (although this is not unheard of in boyband culture), Ken is wearing some kind of fishing net, Vic threw on his moldiest robe and Jerry had a sweater barf on him. Whenever I look at this I still think: wtf? 
This cd cover is also hilarious because Vic is hoisting some kind of plant. I'm still not getting the vibe here. Heh, I used this image on our Can't Lose You lyric sheet when we watched MGII. (They wear these clothes in the MV too!)

Can't lose you

Without you, who am I?
Wherever my heart stops it doesn't seem right

On which day? Whereabouts can we carry on the unfinished love
At the cross roads, who is beside you?

Even if the world denies you
It won't make me give you up

Even if our past has nothing to prove it

(Vanness & Ken)
I will stay by you

Oh Baby baby baby, my baby baby
I definitely can't lose you.
Your hand your voice still taking up my heart
How can I forget thinking about you is like breathing?
Oh Baby baby, my baby baby
I definitely can't lose you
Don't care where you are
I definitely will be able to find you

One day there will be a day using meteor rain to prove our promises

You will find out forever isn't far

Even if the whole world denies you
It can't make me give you up

(Vanness & Ken)
Even if our past has nothing to prove it
I will stay by you

(All) Oh Baby baby baby, My Baby baby
I definitely can't lose you
Your hand your voice still taking up my heart
How can I forget thinking about you is like breathing?
Oh baby baby, my baby baby
I definitely can't lose you
Don't care where you are
I will be able to find you

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